Friday 18 October 2013



Creating a job and not just taking a job is something that has been batted around for quite a while now. Since there aren’t many jobs to take, often the only choice is to make one, or preferably many!
Make your own job! There is nothing more liberating than being your own boss and doing a job you love. It is hard work and a real rollercoaster ride, but if you have the willpower and determination to see things through, it may just be the best decision you ever make.
Often it is forgotten that jobs are created by one person or a group of a few people who start off with little more than a good idea and the conviction to make it happen. You can start off creating a job for yourself, but this can often end up growing and delivering jobs for others. Entrepreneurship is the seed that grows jobs, without it we have no hope.  The global downturn has been like a mass deforestation, destroying thousands of businesses around the world; we need to act and plant the seeds again, so in the future young people have a prosperous world of opportunity with jobs for all.
It is important to note that Entrepreneurs are made and anyone can become an Entrepreneur. The word is just a label and we should not waste precious time discussing if Entrepreneurs are born or made, after all who cares? It’s not important.  Entrepreneurs will take action no matter what their situation.
What is important however is to soak in as much knowledge as possible from whatever field of business, social enterprise or charity you want to go into. You must become an expert in your field. Surround yourself with like-minded people, network and build contacts. It has never been easier to reach out to people, anywhere in the world. So, be daring, take a risk; after all we’ll only regret the things we didn’t do in life.
This is the first is a series of three blogs on Entrepreneurship as a way to tackle youth unemployment. Watch out for the second and third blogs with more practical advice on what you can do to make yourself stand out and how to go about starting a business from scratch by implementing an entrepreneurial mindset.

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